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3/13/08 Town Meeting

Town of Cheverly
Meeting Minutes
March 13, 2008

Call to Order
Mayor Mosley called the meeting to order at 8:00 pm in the Cheverly Community Center.  There were 4 residents in attendance.

In attendance:  Mayor Mosley, Mr. Warrington, Chief Robshaw, and CMs. Schachter, Eldridge, Watson and Callahan.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mayor Mosley asked to add the introduction of Election Supervisors who are present at this evening’s meeting right after Mayor and Council Announcements.  Mayor Mosley also asked to add a Resolution for Arbor Day as item #12 on the agenda.

Minutes – Town Meeting 2/14/2008
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession 2/28/2008
Approved as written.

Minutes – Worksession 3/6/2008
Approved as written.

Town Administrator Report
Mr. Warrington reported that there were 2 autos damaged during the high winds, one of which was due to the Town’s trees so the Town will be working with its insurance company to resolve the issue.  The Department of Environmental Resources just ground up all debris the Town had been collecting.  Mr. Warrington also noted that the Town will be advertising the delivery of mulch, which should begin in April.  

Mr. Warrington stated that the numbers for the upcoming budget are beginning to trickle in, and they should have firmer numbers from the state next week.

Police Department Report
Chief Robshaw reported that last month was the lowest month for crime in 10 years.  The top crime issue continues to be theft, which is primarily due to shoplifters at the CVS and Giant.  Chief Robshaw reported there was a shooting in Ward 4 on 61st and State Street.  An adult male had been shot several times in a vehicle, and was transported to PG Hospital.  The victim told Cheverly Police that he had been shot outside of the Town, but then was transported to Cheverly by the suspect.  

Chief Robshaw noted that there will be several awards to citizens with crime-fighting projects at the next Town Meeting.  Chief Robshaw also reported that a C-PAC meeting was held last night, and that the newsletter will go out next week.  The newsletter will include information regarding videos that C-PAC is going to put together, which will include Town residents.  

Chief Robshaw reported out-of-state vehicle enforcement just started.  The only exceptions to not having to obtain tags and a license within 60 days of moving to MD are if you are a student, which have to apply for the exception and the military.  

Chief Robshaw showed the new guns the Police Department just purchased for its officers at a cost of $409, and he hopes to have all guns replaced within the next year.  Chief Robshaw also showed the new taser, which costs $800 plus the cost of cartridges.  The new tasers can shoot 25 feet, which is a further distance than the previous model.  Chief Robshaw showed the new radar unit at a cost of $500 per unit.  The Police Department purchased 4 units so that each Officer could have his/her own unit.  Chief Robshaw discussed the club, which the Police Department purchases for $10.  Chief Robshaw noted that the equipment he just discussed was paid for in part or entirely by vehicles donated to the Town for auction.  The Police Department has sold $2,000 worth of vehicles just in the past several weeks.  Chief Robshaw encouraged residents to consider donating their vehicles to the Town where you will be able to see the tangible benefits of your donations.  Donations to the Town receive the same tax benefits as donating to any other charitable organization.  

Mayor Mosley thanked Chief Robshaw and the Police Department for directed patrol in Ward 4 as requested by Mayor Mosley and CM Schachter.  

CM Schachter noted he is pleased that the Police Department has purchased needed equipment, and in an economical manner.  CM Schachter asked Chief Robshaw if the new equipment allows the Town’s Police Officers to more effective and safe, which Chief Robshaw affirmed.  

CM Eldridge thanked Chief Robshaw for the Police Department’s professionalism and assistance when his car was broken into last week.  Chief Robshaw stated that the topic of automobile break-ins will be a topic of discussion at the next C-PAC Meeting, and several citizens will receive awards for their assistance.  

Chief Robshaw noted that commercial vehicles and dual-wheeled vehicles are not permitted to park in the Town of Cheverly from 7:00pm – 5:00am.  Notices and tickets have been issued.  Mayor Mosley stated that right outside of Town on 57th Avenue has several tow trucks parked on a regular basis.  Mr. Warrington noted that the County Police Department won’t address it because the vehicles are parked on private property, which leaves it up to the County Community Standards and Zoning Enforcement, which is not open in the evening.  Chief Robshaw stated he would contact the District Commander this week to see what can be done about the issue.       

Mayor and Council Announcements
Mayor Mosley introduced the Head Election Supervisor, Joe Pruden.  Mayor Mosley noted that next month the outgoing Election Supervisor and Chair of the Board, Dr. Tom Foley and Joanne Reitz will be honored with a presentation by the Town.  

Joe Pruden apologized on behalf of Alan Dwyer who was absent this evening, and is one of the Election Supervisors.  Mr. Pruden introduced Robin Llewellyn, who is a new Election Supervisor.  Ms. Llewellyn has lived in Cheverly for 6 ½ years, and has been involved in the community.  

Mayor Mosley announced there will be a worksession on Thursday, March 27, which will include storm drains, newsletter and building use policy, and discussion and possible adoption of changes to the ethics ordinance.  Mayor Mosley explained that during the interview process for the Ward 5 Council Seat the Council encountered a few issues with conflicts of interest, and that the code and ordinances had areas that needed to be addressed.  The Council was not able to vote on the appointment for the Ward 5 Council Seat.  The worksession will also include discussion on amending the fence ordinance, the proposal by Progressive Cheverly and other organizations regarding storm drains and pollution concerns, special exception 4618 for Kenilworth Auto Parts, and the budget.  

Mayor Mosley encouraged residents to sign up for the Cheverly Day Dance, and to volunteer to assist on Cheverly Day.  

CM Watson reminded residents there is a special election for the Council Member for District 5 on April 1, 2008.  The polls are open from 7:00am-8:00pm.  Please report to Spellman or Hoyer depending on which side of Cheverly Avenue you live.  Maryland has a closed primary system so only registered Democrats can vote in the Democratic Primary, and only registered Republicans can vote in the Republican Primary.  There is at least one candidate on each ballot.  If you are not a registered Republican or Democrat you are not permitted to vote in the Primary.  The general election will occur in the first week of May at which time all registered voters may vote.  

Mayor Mosley announced that on Saturday, March 29, 2008 at 10:00am at the Judith Hoyer Early Learning Center the Town is sponsoring a meeting regarding the explosions heard in the Town.  There will be staff from some of the state agencies present.  Mayor Mosley encouraged residents to come to the meeting, and to continue to call in dates and times of explosions.

CM Callahan announced that the Council decided at the last Worksession the Town would send a letter of support to the School Administration regarding making Hoyer a permanent Montessori program for K-8th grade.  The Hoyer PTA has been working with the County School System, and they are awaiting a decision to at least make the program for K-6th grade.  CM Callahan also noted that the $1,000,000 has been identified, and the District 2 Assistant Regional Supervisor was at Spellman this week to work through a list of what needs to be done.  Mayor Mosley thanked Senator David Harrington for securing the funding for Spellman.  CM Eldridge discussed The Cheverly Advocates for Public Schools, which is a new organization of parents, and the group plans to meet once per month.  CM Eldridge encouraged any interested residents to contact him, and he would put them in touch with Chad Clay.  

CM Callahan announced that the County is 30% through its analysis of how to correct the Magruder Springs storm drainage area.  The County will attend the Worksession on March 27.  There will be a meeting next Wednesday at 7:30pm at the Community Center with any residents who are interested in providing ideas of what could be done with the Magruder Springs area.

CM Schachter sent his best wishes to Robert Tucker, President of the Ward 4 Civic Association for his continuing recover from a recent illness.

Committee Reports
Recreation Council
CM Eldridge reported that the Easter Egg Hunt is on Saturday, March 22 at 11:00am at the Community Center.  Saturday, April 5 at 9:00am is the Town Flea Market.  There a few tables left, but they are going quickly.  Contact Barbara Pejokovich at 301.773.5883 to reserve a table.  

Cheverly Day Report
Nick D’Angelo reminded everyone that the Cheverly Day Dance will be held on Friday, May 16.  A band is booked, and the event is catered.  Tickets can be purchased at the Town Office.  If you would like to place an advertisement for Cheverly Day contact Nick.  

Mayor Mosley asked if she was supposed to talk to the caterer, or if Nick D’Angelo was going to talk to the caterer.  Nick has left messages with the caterer, but they have not connected to date.  Mayor Mosley noted there they are considering contracting with Saint Ambrose as a location, which may assist with basket ball and other issues.  

CM Watson noted that the Tennis Tournament will be Saturday, May 10 at 9:00am, which is the week prior to Cheverly Day.  CM Watson is also hoping this will be the kick-off date of the 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, but it has not been solidified.

Nick D’Angelo noted the magazine deadline for both advertisements and content (poems, photos, etc.) is Tuesday, April 1.  
Citizen Input
No comments.

Adoption Resolution R-5-08 Declaring May as Peace Month in Cheverly
Joyce Lange noted that the calendar will be sent to Trudy in Public Works Monday morning.  If anyone needs to provide information for the calendar for May please provide it to Joyce Lange this weekend.  Joyce Lange noted that she has been in touch with the Cheverly Day Committee.  She is working with Pat Nelson on an exhibit and activities for Cheverly Day.  Joyce Lange asked Mayor Mosley if there will be an article in the newsletter in April explaining the calendar, and if she should write the article or if Mayor Mosley will write the article.  Mayor Mosley asked Joyce Lange to write the article, and that she would add the Declaration.  CM Eldridge read the proclamation.   

§       CM Eldridge moved to adopt Resolution R-05-08 Declaring May as Peace Month in Cheverly.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

CM Callahan asked to amend a typo in the second paragraph to read “our children to resolve conflict.”  Mayor Mosley stated the correction would be made prior to signing the resolution.

Adoption Resolution R-2-08 Appointing Election Supervisors
Mayor Mosley read the resolution, which appointed Alann Dwyer and Robin Llewellyn to a term of 2008-2009.

§       CM Callahan moved to adopt Resolution R-2-08 Appointing Election Supervisors.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

CM Callahan and CM Eldridge thanked both residents for agreeing to be Election Supervisors.

Adoption Resolution R-6-08 Public Works Memorandum of Understanding
Mr. Warrington explained that there is an understanding that municipalities will assist one another in times of need, but Homeland Security and FEMA have asked municipalities to formalize the agreement.

§       CM Ford moved to adopt Resolution R-6-08 Public Works Memorandum of Understanding.  Seconded by CM Schachter.  Unanimously approved.

CM Ford discussed how he has seen a memorandum of understanding similar to this resolution work successfully.  

Adoption Resolution R-7-08  Designating April 2, 2008 as Arbor Day in Cheverly
§       CM Eldridge moved to adopt Resolution R-7-08 Designating April 2, 2008 as Arbor Day in Cheverly.  Seconded by CM Callahan.  Unanimously approved.

Meeting adjourned at 10:00 pm.
Town of Cheverly
Summary of Action
March 13, 2008

1. CM Eldridge moved to adopt Resolution R-05-08 Declaring May as Peace Month in Cheverly.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

2. CM Callahan moved to adopt Resolution R-2-08 Appointing Election Supervisors.  Seconded by CM Watson.  Unanimously approved.

3. CM Ford moved to adopt Resolution R-6-08 Public Works Memorandum of Understanding.  Seconded by CM Schachter.  Unanimously approved.

4. CM Eldridge moved to adopt Resolution R-7-08 Designating April 2, 2008 as Arbor Day in Cheverly.  Seconded by CM Callahan.  Unanimously approved.